Volunteer with the Y and help kids in your own community
Volunteer Opportunities
The generosity of others is at the core of our existence. When you volunteer at the Y, you take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change in your own community.
Share your time and talent at the Y, and change lives and communities, including your own. From volunteering to help with special events to coaching or mentoring, your skills and interests will make a difference here. And as a volunteer, you’ll be working with other caring, committed people who want to make a difference in our community.
When you support the Y through volunteering, you help give young people a chance at a brighter future, inspire healthy lifestyles, and build vibrant communities right where you live. Our volunteer needs are always changing but here are just a few examples of how you can join us in this work:
Lead our Board of Directors and committees
Raise funds to ensure the Y is accessible to all members of the community
Coach YMCA youth sports teams
Motivate and support youth in building the character strengths, skills, and relationships that foster positive behaviors, better health, smart life choices, and the pursuit of higher education and goals
Advocate for the Y’s efforts to influence policies and initiatives that positively impact issues of importance to the nation and to our community
Participate in opportunities to give back and support others
To learn more about these volunteer opportunities and talk about the ways you can help, please contact us.
Looking for other ways to help your Y?
A great way to help the Harrison County YMCA is for individuals, families, and companies to make in-kind donations for a variety of items that we need on a daily basis. These donations of materials and/or services will allow us to continue providing quality programs and services for our members and guests.
Please take a minute to look over some of the items in need below, which you can provide in-kind goods or services. In-kind donations have great merit beyond a tax benefit, as the donors are always acknowledged for their service to the community.
In-Kind Donations
In-kind donations are always much appreciated – in fact, we can almost always use things for certain areas. Below you’ll find a list of things that you can donate, either gently used or brand new. All donations given to the Y are eligible for a tax deduction since we are a charitable organization.
Your donations will help us transform lives and will make a difference in our community. Thank you for considering the Y!
Day Camp/After School Program Needs
For Arts and Crafts
Empty plastic jars
Empty toilet paper rolls
Old magazines
Unused paper plates
Rubber bands
Plastic tarps
Duct tape
Packing tape
Tissue paper, all colors
Pom poms
Pipe cleaners
Paint brushes
Elmer’s glue
Glue sticks
Hot glue sticks
Foam sheets – any color
Wax paper
Dowel rods
Ribbon – various colors
Googly/wiggly eyes – various sizes
For Interaction & Fun
Uno Cards, Connect Four, Trouble, Checkers, and other fun childhood games
Puzzles (50 & 100 pieces)
Hoola Hoops
Sidewalk chalk
Construction paper
Paint – tempera, finger, washable
Plant seeds and potting soil
Pool noodles
Sun butter
Card stock, various shapes and sizes
Coloring books
Two-pocket folders
Pool Needs
Swim Team
Keifer Diving Blocks: $2,500+ per diving block
Keifer 75ft Lane Lines: $700/ per lane line including shopping costs
Extra AED: $1500 – $2,500
36″ Battery Floor Pace Clock: $450 – $500
Swim Team Equipment Caddies: $260 – $500
Speakers for Swim Team Meets: $280/ per speaker
Life vests
Puddle jumpers
Pool noodles
Stainless Steel Coat Hooks for PFDs
Dry land exercise equipment for Swim Team (resistance bands, weights, etc.)
Water weights for Water Aerobics Class (2 – 5lbs)
Kids Pool Toys (Diving Rings, balls, noodles)
Can you help us with something on this list? Please contact us and let us know!