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Sports Programs
At the Y, you will find new opportunities and the resources you need to tap into your potential, discover your purpose and connect to a community that shares and supports your health and wellness goals.
From kids to adults, athletes to those who just want to have a little fun, our sports programs are as varied as our community. Discover a sport you’ve always loved or try something new — your Y is here when you’re ready!
Current Sports Programs
All levels of The American Karate System are taught at the Y. The introductory students learn the basic stances, blocks, and kicks used in the ancient art form. The class helps develop concentration, coordination, and agility, as well as building greater self-confidence. The Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Class continues skill development while learning basic kata, free sparring, and self-defense techniques.
Introductory Class: Ages 6-8
Saturdays: 9:30 am – 10:15 am
YMCA Members: $25
Future Members: $50
Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Class: Ages 9 & up
Saturdays: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
YMCA Members: $25
Future Members: $50
Youth Basketball League
Co-ed youth basketball is offered every Winter for ages 5-14. This league will teach athletes basketball skills, rules, and how to work well with others!
For Winter League, evaluation day is beginning of November.
For more information call 304-623-3303 or email the Program Director at sportsandprograms@harcoymca.com
YMCA Members: $60
Future Members: $80
HAYST Swim Team
HAYST swim team runs from October through March. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels are offered based on age and experience. Participants will learn swim technique, different strokes, and complete workouts set by the swim coach. Practices typically Monday through Friday from 5:00-7:00pm. HAYST swim team may host and travel for competition. Must me a member of the YMCA to swim.
Clinics/Lessons Offered at the North Central WV YMCA
Youth Basketball Clinics (Winter)
Track Club (Spring)
Wrestling Clinics (Fall)
Soccer Clinics (Fall)
Swim Lessons (Year Round)